Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the unromantic romantic

while the world went giddy celebrating the day of love with everything pink, sweet and hearts, the bffs and i spent pretty much of 13/14 watching brainless chick flicks and engaging in (very helpful) retail therapy.

for some reason, none of the pink or the love has found me (yet, i hope) - i ended up baking the very wholesome and very practical and not to mention unromantic banana loaf.

i'm not in a bah hambug mood really! i love vday and all its loving fuzziness. and although to many, the banana loaf may seem the complete antithesis of romance, i happen to think practicality is sexy. and of course, the familiar comforting smell that diffuses throughout my kitchen keeps me happy all day long.

so there. the unromantic romantic (: with the picture courtesy of my Holga

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