Friday, February 8, 2008

my favourite time of the year

chinese new year for me has always been about the food, the people, and people eating the food we make. at my grans, everything is painfully handmade - from the little nuggets of pineapple tarts to the handcrafted claw-shaped cashew nut cookies. no preservatives (which means validity to polish them off before they go bad), but every bit as good as store-bought.

while i wasn't able to spend pre-cny baking with my gran, or cny visiting my relatives, being able to bake for people at jia's completely made my week. we didn't really get down to cooking dinner for her guests who came for supper, but i went absolutely crazy in the kitchen. i say, this is what happens to a girl that has been deprived of baking. essays are most definitely not a good substitute. so bake bake bake.

with some research and after ploughing through the multitude of recipes,we decided on some things that we could make for the party! my haul included- butter cookies, banana fritters, egg tarts (we went crazy!) and banana muffins and jia made pop-repeatedly-into-your-mouth springrolls. doesnt it sound good already?

man, do i wish i was back home.


The Other Affair said...

I love egg tarts! And they look so gooodddd! (: (:

The Other Affair said...

Okay, that was biaaaa. In case you were wondering. Miss youu (: