So, I'm pretty sure that it's no secret that I wasn't the best student back in school. When everyone had their noses buried in books, camping in the infamous school library, I was at home looking at books.
Yes, looking, not reading. When friends were turning to Amazon as a last resort for finding that all critical text that some other desperate soul had on a permanent loan from the library, my searches inadvertently veered off-course to the land of baking books.
My mum definitely freaked out when I excitedly showed-off my random new found baking books via skype two weeks before finals.
But, something good did come out of all my random purchases. Flipping through the book earlier this morning left me convinced that a chocolate merlot cake would be just the thing I needed to complete the weekend.
And let me share with you the best kept secret ever:
Chocolate+Merlot = Unadulterated Bliss.
'Nuff Said. I'm going to have another slice.
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